Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Green button to start.

Red button to stop.

Use left and right arrows to move.

Right to turn Up or Right.

Left to turn Down or Left.

Follow this link and it will take you to scratch


Our Performance

On Monday in the afternoon we were practicing our play for Christmas. I was acting like Santa. Loimata was Ralph the reindeer and Marlah was Rudolph the red nose reindeer. Other kids were reindeers and elves. It was a cool practice. I was laughing after when I finished each acting. I had to talk in a deep voice.

We are going to present this at the hall next week.


We are doing practice this week.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Pat the cat

Green button to start

Touch the cat as long as you can, It will tell you your score

red button to stop

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Halloween is a time to celebrate and wear scary costumes. I was a pirate with a black and skeleton hat with a sword and black shallow pants plus a T-shirt. I got a pumpkin basket. I went with my street friends. When it was finished I had 58 lollies in my basket, but the others got more with me and we shared. That was the scariest and fun Halloween ever. I hope you enjoyed it.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Skoolbo Popsnaz


Popsnaz is a awesome game. Download Zippy FX and this is the app.

Then sign in the game and you don't need to right your username. Just your name. There are three games to play. They are:

1. Weevil Rush

2. Ten times tables mash up

3. Popsnaz

Click the popsnaz game and start scanning. If you recive a sticker from the teacher then use to come to life.

I got this sticker.

Once you scan it with your phone. You can see them dancing. 

Here is some pictures for more


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Zippy Shine

Zippy Shine

Zippy Shine is a literacy game that is related to Skoolbo. If you want to download it you actually have to pay for it. It is a fun game to play. First you have to listen to the speaker then you speak. You can listen to your own voice to see if you like or not and try again. Once you are finished you can see your avatar talking and doing acting.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Green button to start.

Right arrow to move right.

Left arrow to turn.

F to make drumming noise, plus s.

Red button to stop.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Piano Music

Press the green button to start.

Make music by pressing q, w, e, a, s and r.

Red button to stop.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Super Mario VS Sonic The Hedgehog Rap Battle

This is an awesome video game rap battle of history. I watch this at home and the one that I really think that Sonic is the best rapper between each other. Player 1 is Super Mario and player 2 is Sonic. This has no swear words and this is not bad.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Maze Runner

Press the green flag to start.

Use the mouse to control your cat.

Red button to stop.

If you hit an object then you are out.

Maze Runner

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Floating and Sinking

This week we've been learning about floating and sinking.We have been writing experments about things could float and others sink. Here is a list of stuff sink or float.

And we have lost of questions you might all ready know some of these questions or you might need to search it up. I only have 3 question

1. How can life jackets keep you afloat?

2. Who had the idea to make life jackets?

3. Why do people go underwater and discover sea creatures?

I think that heavy things sink and some light things float because the heavy objects is pulling itself down to the deep surface. Actually, Genisis and Morehu have practice making boats in the weekends. 



Friday, October 14, 2016


In maths we had to make a map of (We're going on a bear hunt). 

They start at their house. 



Then to the wavy grass


After that they go to a deep cold river


Then a thick oozy mud

Into a scary dark forest


Then a windy snowstorm


And last of all is a deep narrow cave


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Fishy, Fishy


press the green button to start.

Use the mouse to drag the fish around

Press the red button to make it stop

Friday, September 16, 2016

My Rocket Game

If you want to know, the instructions for it are Space to move  & left or rights to turn.
This is my first game I have ever made.


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Olympic Art And Studying

When the Olympics first started our teacher told us about the Olympics. The Modern Olympics happened in every leap year. Then she told us of the 5 rings, those rings are linked because countries around the world challenge each other. The first thing we studied was questions about what is the Olympics. I know that it is in Rio and countries all over the world verse each other in different events. Plus I want to know is who were the first countries to battle in the Olympic Games, another one is what are all the events in the Olympics. Then we started activities. I will list them down and show the picture.

1. Olympic Questions

2. Locate Countries who compete in the Olympics.

3. Olympic Values

4. My Mascot

5. Names of their flags

6. New Zealand Athlete Fact File

7. Paralympic Values

8. Sport Uniforms

And my art, I had to draw three pictures of the Olympic events, I picked fencing. We practiced using crayon on a grey thick paper. My colours were purple and blue. Then we started to do ink printing. I got onto two colour prints. They were blue and gold.

9. Drawing Practice
10. Practice With Crayon
11. Print Making

                                                            THANK YOU


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Hiwi The Kiwi Show

On Friday we had a special assembly. None of the students and me  knew until we went to the assembly. Once we got near the ramp and the steps I saw the Hiwi the Kiwi car. Everyone in my class was whispering to each other. I thought they were excited. We have met them before when we were year 2's. We went in the hall then sat on the left seats with room 14,15 and 12. Seniors sat at the left and the juniors sat on the floor. I didn't believe that they had came for ages. They came to our school to keep kids safe when fishing and to teach parents a lot of lessons. I learned about 3 new lessons from Mr and Mrs Minstrel. It is to wear a life jacket even if you can swim. If you don't you will sink into the sea or you could be shark bait. Another one is if you want some advice, don't forget the ice. But not ordinary ice, salted ice. Because if you don't it will get rotten like lightning and it will stink. Plus you need to get a ruler to measure the fish and it has to be on the 30 meter line. If it goes past it might be a women fish and it might have babies. Once you eat that poor fish her babies won't have a single chance to live because it is in your belly. And if there is a fish that is under 30 meters put it back in the sea because it is just a baby fish. That was the best day of my life and I got a poster to take home. The sticker is on my bag and my poster is in my room.



Monday, August 29, 2016


When we finished our handwriting Eirene and me did a domino track on the chromebook table. I put them in a neat pile and started our domino track. I did the big dominoes and Eirene did the small ones. The small ones are black and the big ones are orange and green. We got them in the maths corner. Here is Eirene's and my video and I hope you enjoy it

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Sports Uniform

Yesterday we had to design our T-Shirt's for a country. My one is Greece. We had a first choice and mine is a snake. We had to draw the front and back. Then we had a second choice. My other one is a character from Sonic and he is his cousin Shadows. On my first choice I tried to draw Link but instead I drew a head of him then a body of a snake then drew the background orange. On the back I drew a stripe of dark blue and orange. And on the second one I did the face of Shadow then drew the whole T-shirt light blue. On the other side I drew a yellow plus then used black to see the yellow plus better. Then fill it with light blue. I hope they look cool to you but what I thought about it was OK to me.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Cross Country

On Friday the 12th we had a cross country race. Kids were waiting for the race to begin but I was quite nervous I thought I could come first. The girls went first (Year 3 & 4's) but  the year 4's went first then the year 3's. They had a bit of a warm up. Then they walked on the concrete to the start line. I was waiting for them to start. Then yelled Mrs Thomson saying "GO!" to the girls then they started to run. Zian was in the lead and she stayed in that position as she ran that whole course. Then it was time for the boys (Year 3 & 4's) we did the same with the girls then we went to the starting line the same way they took. I was saying to myself in my mind "I can do this, just try my best then I can have at least one person behind me" I got to the start line. Then Mrs Thompson yelled GO! Then we ran I was way at the back but I got one person behind then I got to Mountfort Park and I was tired but I knew to never give up and I didn't. I got in front some few people then I met Herman at the finishing line. We were both in a tie but I did a little boost then I beat him. As I came 11th in the race I shook Herman's hand and we said " That was a great race between you and me, see you in the next years cross country" We did a warm down to keep our muscles strong then I had a drink then sat in line I hope you liked it. I didn't because it was tiring in the race. And this is a picture of the boys waiting for the race

Monday, August 15, 2016

My Job

Last last term we talked about our jobs. We had teams and our team was performing about being a politician. The first one in our group was Horouta. Then Fosoa and me next. I didn't find my unit study book so I tried toremember and I did. I was very shy but I tried to be brave and confident to try and I did then I said it fast because I didn't wan't to say it to long. Then I finished and their were other groups to perform. I hope you enjoy my speech about politician video.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Ultimate Flash Sonic

You know I love Sonic Games But did you know that Ultimate Sonic post that I did well This is the same as that one but he is black. The reason why he is black is because he was having a fight with his cousin Shadow then he got annoyed then he got super angry then he changed to black and started to kill Shadow and he did and that's what happened when I was Shadow when I was playing the game with my brother Denzel and he automatically turned black and killed me. When he is good he turns blue but when he is angry he turns black like my picture. Now this is a picture of Sonic and him when he is black.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Swimming At A Different School

On Thursday 7 July, we had an opportunity to participate in free swimming lessons at St Cuthbert's College. But only the year 4s got to go, well some kids. Some of them were in time out and some of the others didn't get their permission slips back. We did the roll then we were all waiting at the corner of room 8. It took a long time to come and a few minutes later it came. We went in and it was a BIG bus with lots of seats. The ride was a long way and them we arrived. There were 2 ladies showing us their school and their BIG MASSIVE pool. We went up 10 stairs then we got up there was a surface with long rectangle seats. Then we split into 2 groups. One went to the pools and one went in a learning class. I was in the first group that went into the class. It was a big room and I sat next to Miss Craig. We were talking about different waves and getting into a rip plus what F CARD means. I forgot what that means. If you are in a rip DON'T PANIC. You could escape from that but if you don't just keep your hand up so a parent or a lifeguard to rescue you. Plus the 4 different waves were called.

1. Dumping Wave
2. Shore breaker Wave  
3. Spilling Wave
4. Surging Wave

Then we had lunch,we had a free lunch for first break. When it was 10.55 and we stopped and the people that went swimming first they went to the class that we were in and the people in my group went to the pools to have lessons. We stayed in the shallow end so we could be safe. First we put on our togs. Then we put on white float water protection so no hair can go in the water. We got in and when I first got in the water it was cold but as I was moving around it got warmer. It was fun swimming then we had to go out and we were in there for a long time and then we had more snacks. Once I ate all of my snacks I ate my own lunch. Then they asked some questions about learning. But I didn't got one because I forgot them. Well you know that forgetting is bad luck. Then it was time to go back to our own school. We said bye to them. Then they took a picture of us at the bus then we went. I'm sure I will go back there. I hoped that you guys had fun. But it was sad that the others didn't come. They would've thought that it was fun.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


The BFG is a cool movie and cool book. My teacher, Miss Craig, reads it to us everyday, well some days. This chapter that we are on is the Royal Breakfast. We got half way through that chapter. Miss Craig let us watch the trailer. That was awesome but this was better. Her next door neighbour had a dream jar and it was awesome. The BFG stands for the (Big Friendly Giant) and there is a little girl named Sophie. Plus there are some funny words that the BFG made. Like

1. Snozzcumba-Cucumber
2. Wizz poppers-Farts
3. Fatty Patty-Fat

I only know these three because I have forgotten them.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Blogger is cool. I know that Genisis blogged about this, but now I want to tell just about a little more about it. Well blogging is kind of my thing after all our teacher Miss Craig told some of us because some all ready had a blog file. I don't know about this but Miss Craig has a lot of blogs. I don't know if I am near her and this blog that I am doing is my 48th blog. Plus I got to say that everyone else that does blogs in my class or any other people that do blogs that is not in my class, well done. I have left some comments in other people classes and if I have time I can leave comments. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Ultimate Sonic

Sonic is COOL but the one I really like is Ultimate Sonic. He is more powerful than anybody else. I play him sometimes because I need internet. But when I don't use him, I use Sonic. He is pretty much my favourite. I hope that everyone likes Sonic. I know that Mrs Warrington and Diamond like it but if anyone likes it too, just comment me.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


In the weekend me and my brother Diamond were doing origami. Origami is a cool thing because you can make animals or gems. I brought all of my origami here so I can take a picture of them. I have five of them. There is a penguin, cat, gem, bunny and a bunny hat, well it's a small hat that only babies can wear. We did it because Cruz and Aura went to the library and got origami books. Cruz had a trash origami book and Aura had a normal origami book. Diamond and me followed every instructions in the book and it came out the same as the book.