Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Hiwi The Kiwi Show

On Friday we had a special assembly. None of the students and me  knew until we went to the assembly. Once we got near the ramp and the steps I saw the Hiwi the Kiwi car. Everyone in my class was whispering to each other. I thought they were excited. We have met them before when we were year 2's. We went in the hall then sat on the left seats with room 14,15 and 12. Seniors sat at the left and the juniors sat on the floor. I didn't believe that they had came for ages. They came to our school to keep kids safe when fishing and to teach parents a lot of lessons. I learned about 3 new lessons from Mr and Mrs Minstrel. It is to wear a life jacket even if you can swim. If you don't you will sink into the sea or you could be shark bait. Another one is if you want some advice, don't forget the ice. But not ordinary ice, salted ice. Because if you don't it will get rotten like lightning and it will stink. Plus you need to get a ruler to measure the fish and it has to be on the 30 meter line. If it goes past it might be a women fish and it might have babies. Once you eat that poor fish her babies won't have a single chance to live because it is in your belly. And if there is a fish that is under 30 meters put it back in the sea because it is just a baby fish. That was the best day of my life and I got a poster to take home. The sticker is on my bag and my poster is in my room.



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