Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Swimming At A Different School

On Thursday 7 July, we had an opportunity to participate in free swimming lessons at St Cuthbert's College. But only the year 4s got to go, well some kids. Some of them were in time out and some of the others didn't get their permission slips back. We did the roll then we were all waiting at the corner of room 8. It took a long time to come and a few minutes later it came. We went in and it was a BIG bus with lots of seats. The ride was a long way and them we arrived. There were 2 ladies showing us their school and their BIG MASSIVE pool. We went up 10 stairs then we got up there was a surface with long rectangle seats. Then we split into 2 groups. One went to the pools and one went in a learning class. I was in the first group that went into the class. It was a big room and I sat next to Miss Craig. We were talking about different waves and getting into a rip plus what F CARD means. I forgot what that means. If you are in a rip DON'T PANIC. You could escape from that but if you don't just keep your hand up so a parent or a lifeguard to rescue you. Plus the 4 different waves were called.

1. Dumping Wave
2. Shore breaker Wave  
3. Spilling Wave
4. Surging Wave

Then we had lunch,we had a free lunch for first break. When it was 10.55 and we stopped and the people that went swimming first they went to the class that we were in and the people in my group went to the pools to have lessons. We stayed in the shallow end so we could be safe. First we put on our togs. Then we put on white float water protection so no hair can go in the water. We got in and when I first got in the water it was cold but as I was moving around it got warmer. It was fun swimming then we had to go out and we were in there for a long time and then we had more snacks. Once I ate all of my snacks I ate my own lunch. Then they asked some questions about learning. But I didn't got one because I forgot them. Well you know that forgetting is bad luck. Then it was time to go back to our own school. We said bye to them. Then they took a picture of us at the bus then we went. I'm sure I will go back there. I hoped that you guys had fun. But it was sad that the others didn't come. They would've thought that it was fun.