Monday, May 2, 2016

Helping our next door neighbours with their house

In the holidays there were new people moving in. There was an old man and a chines lady. They were very nice. They made a deal of giving us $500 if we finished it off. Then every single one of us went over with our ladder and helped. There were lots of things we needed to do. There were bricks and holes when we cleaned the house. Then we took the bricks outside in a pile. We all went over to this big giant tree. So my little sister took a break also Diamond and me were so tired we took a break too. We saw an awesome view when we climbed so high we saw our friend Lee doing her lawn. We shouted to her and we said HI!!!  And she replied to us. Then we climbed down and we went back to help. Then we took the wall down with our hammer and smashed it to pieces. Once we tore it down we saw a BIG GIANT SPIDER!!! heading right to us and my little sister yelled to dad DADDY HELP!!!  Dad ran as fast as he could and then he came. That spider was going fast but my dad stomped on it and it was killed to death. After my dad killed it my brothers and my older sister finished the job. Then they paid us and they wanted us to come again and he will pay us $600 if we help them again and we took the deal.

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