Thursday, May 26, 2016

Scaler the game

Once there was a boy named Bobby and he was trapped in Logger's basement. There were people who worked with Logger and their names are Rumbas, Jack, Turbine and Captain Bootcamp. Scaler got hit by lightning too many times he turned into a lizard and made a portal and Logger and them chased him. But he got in the portal and all of them went after him. Then he zapped into a strange world. He can punch 3 times and pick his tongue and that is it.

Freddy Tails vs Foxy

Freddy Tails is not scary. But Foxy is so scary.I  hate everyone on five nights at Freddy's. Foxy is the second scary one. Freddy Tails is the second one as well. They are the most stronger robots in the games. Did you know that I played this game before and I always die? But my brothers Cruz and Denzel they are very good players but they sometimes die but I do it a lot. Like I told you that this game is !!!!!SCARY!!!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Minecraft is a building game and a killing game. This is my second favourite game because there's a version that it can be in day and night. In the morning you can collect stuff. But in the night there's monsters trying to kill you. I know it because I have played it on my sister's phone. It is awesome. There's only one person that I know and his name is called Steve. You can create any characters.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Spring Trap

Spring Trap is ugly and very scary. He scares the freak out of you. There is a little Spring Trap but he sits on a chair. There is a little x on the ground. But if you don't catch him doing the x then Golden Freddy will kill you and you lose the game. I hate him as much I hate Freddy. Everyone that is on that freaky game, they are FREAKY! And I do not want to see their faces again

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Knuckles VS Bonie

Knuckles is stronger and Bonnie because he can punch you very hard and you don't want to get punched by Knuckles, do you? .Just kidding, you can't get hit from him because he is not real. But Bonnie can kill you on the game. He can kill you with just a single bite. Lucky that he is not real. Or is he? We will find out. 

Cupcake Freddy

Cupcake Freddy is just like Freddy. The others are like Freddy, but different animal robots. All of them are scary and ugly. Why do I even care? I wished that game was not made.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Nightmare Marionette

Nightmare Marionette is an ugly and selfish robot. He controls the robots. He controls them because he is the puppet master. But Freddy is the boss of the other robots but he is not the boss of the Nightmare Marionette or the Marionette. His eyes glow in the DAMN FREAKY DARK!!! He actually pops out of a chatter box. Why did he had to get made? He is UGLIER than Freddy.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Cat Noir

Cat Noir is Lady Bugs partner. He has this ring to transform into a cat. When he was a human his name is Adrian but when he is a superhero his name is Cat Noir. That is strange because they are skinny in their suite. They have a timer on his ring but Lady Bug has a timer on her earring.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Golden Freddy

Golden Freddy is the one I HATE the most!!! He is the ultimate one on FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S 1,2,3,4 and 5!!! Did you know that Five Nights At Freddy is the most popular and scary game of all.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2 is scary and hard to complete. My brother Cruz is the boss at that game. I totally hate that game. Cruz completed it once. But we all went half way. When we got the game it was a horrible game but then when we got to know it better it was not scary at all. The people are Sharry, Claire, William, Leon and Sharry's mother.

Sonic Riders

I am the best on Sonic Riders. I only play with my avatars. They are Sonic, Silver, Tails and Shadows. Even when you complete the game well you haven't because there is another version of it and it is at night. It gets harder and harder and harder until you just want to give up. But I don't because it's my favourite game. Plus it's on my PlayStation.

Sonic Dash 2

You know I love Sonic games. But I haven't play Sonic dash 2. But I have played the other version of Sonic dash 1. There is Sonic, Tails, Amy, Cream, Knuckles, Shadows, Silver and others. Sometimes my older brothers play this game too but I play it on my phone.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Helping our next door neighbours with their house

In the holidays there were new people moving in. There was an old man and a chines lady. They were very nice. They made a deal of giving us $500 if we finished it off. Then every single one of us went over with our ladder and helped. There were lots of things we needed to do. There were bricks and holes when we cleaned the house. Then we took the bricks outside in a pile. We all went over to this big giant tree. So my little sister took a break also Diamond and me were so tired we took a break too. We saw an awesome view when we climbed so high we saw our friend Lee doing her lawn. We shouted to her and we said HI!!!  And she replied to us. Then we climbed down and we went back to help. Then we took the wall down with our hammer and smashed it to pieces. Once we tore it down we saw a BIG GIANT SPIDER!!! heading right to us and my little sister yelled to dad DADDY HELP!!!  Dad ran as fast as he could and then he came. That spider was going fast but my dad stomped on it and it was killed to death. After my dad killed it my brothers and my older sister finished the job. Then they paid us and they wanted us to come again and he will pay us $600 if we help them again and we took the deal.