Thursday, October 27, 2016

Super Mario VS Sonic The Hedgehog Rap Battle

This is an awesome video game rap battle of history. I watch this at home and the one that I really think that Sonic is the best rapper between each other. Player 1 is Super Mario and player 2 is Sonic. This has no swear words and this is not bad.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Maze Runner

Press the green flag to start.

Use the mouse to control your cat.

Red button to stop.

If you hit an object then you are out.

Maze Runner

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Floating and Sinking

This week we've been learning about floating and sinking.We have been writing experments about things could float and others sink. Here is a list of stuff sink or float.

And we have lost of questions you might all ready know some of these questions or you might need to search it up. I only have 3 question

1. How can life jackets keep you afloat?

2. Who had the idea to make life jackets?

3. Why do people go underwater and discover sea creatures?

I think that heavy things sink and some light things float because the heavy objects is pulling itself down to the deep surface. Actually, Genisis and Morehu have practice making boats in the weekends. 



Friday, October 14, 2016


In maths we had to make a map of (We're going on a bear hunt). 

They start at their house. 



Then to the wavy grass


After that they go to a deep cold river


Then a thick oozy mud

Into a scary dark forest


Then a windy snowstorm


And last of all is a deep narrow cave


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Fishy, Fishy


press the green button to start.

Use the mouse to drag the fish around

Press the red button to make it stop