Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Green button to start.

Red button to stop.

Use left and right arrows to move.

Right to turn Up or Right.

Left to turn Down or Left.

Follow this link and it will take you to scratch


Our Performance

On Monday in the afternoon we were practicing our play for Christmas. I was acting like Santa. Loimata was Ralph the reindeer and Marlah was Rudolph the red nose reindeer. Other kids were reindeers and elves. It was a cool practice. I was laughing after when I finished each acting. I had to talk in a deep voice.

We are going to present this at the hall next week.


We are doing practice this week.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Pat the cat

Green button to start

Touch the cat as long as you can, It will tell you your score

red button to stop

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Halloween is a time to celebrate and wear scary costumes. I was a pirate with a black and skeleton hat with a sword and black shallow pants plus a T-shirt. I got a pumpkin basket. I went with my street friends. When it was finished I had 58 lollies in my basket, but the others got more with me and we shared. That was the scariest and fun Halloween ever. I hope you enjoyed it.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Skoolbo Popsnaz


Popsnaz is a awesome game. Download Zippy FX and this is the app.

Then sign in the game and you don't need to right your username. Just your name. There are three games to play. They are:

1. Weevil Rush

2. Ten times tables mash up

3. Popsnaz

Click the popsnaz game and start scanning. If you recive a sticker from the teacher then use to come to life.

I got this sticker.

Once you scan it with your phone. You can see them dancing. 

Here is some pictures for more


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Zippy Shine

Zippy Shine

Zippy Shine is a literacy game that is related to Skoolbo. If you want to download it you actually have to pay for it. It is a fun game to play. First you have to listen to the speaker then you speak. You can listen to your own voice to see if you like or not and try again. Once you are finished you can see your avatar talking and doing acting.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Green button to start.

Right arrow to move right.

Left arrow to turn.

F to make drumming noise, plus s.

Red button to stop.